Aloha! David here…

Ahoy there!

My name is David and I’m one of many Chartered Travellers out here!


My Soon to be Life as a Chartered Traveller

In 2015, I will quit my job as an a designated professional accoutant and will take off to travel for what I hope to be forever. I will have saved up enough working at a firm, and I want to share my crazy stories so that my friends and family could follow along from afar.

I do not want to be a person working your typical 8 to 5 job (who am I kidding, 10 to 4). I’d rather be traveling to places that keep me wide-eyed and smiling. I found myself deeply addicted to dumplings.

Chartered Traveller remains a place to tell stories by professionals all over the world. It has also morphed into a bigger site, housing resources for world travel, tips for eating street food, and more than anything, it is about connecting to others through food and learning.

David T.

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